weekend number 11 and still i had not seen the most beautiful place in the state of victoria or maybe even in the whole of australia. so it was high time that i must be visiting this place. the wait was for the right initiation.
my friend venkat was returning back to india after his long stay at melbourne and somehow he had missed visiting this place.. that is until now.. so we grabbed on this chance..
the gang was made up of venkat,santy and myself from 3J; ramjee (sunil), srini and praveen from 6W and sandeep. sandeep had been there before and knew the right places to pitstop. he was also a great driver and enjoyed it. so we booked a toyota tarago which would be tested by sandeep's driving skills and our messing around.
nobody minded to get up early on saturday morning..but we boys never make it on time.. whether its meeting a girl on a date or getting up for a trip.. so even though we had planned to leave at 7:30 it was 9 by the time we were belted in the toyota seats.
we had charged up our camera batteries formatted the memory cards and updated our ipods for the 3.5 hour journey from melbourne to the apostles.
even though i was the only one from karnataka in the gang (the others were from Andhra) time in the vehicle was not really boring. we managed to crack jokes on each other.. feed fruits, snacks and coke to our ever growing bellies and listen to favourite songs on ipod. so it was not long before sandy stopped at the first place. we were really amazed by the scene beholding us. mild waves, virgin beach and surprisingly no one else on the beach other than a few surfers. after a few shots for matrimony sites ;) we started playing the favourite winter sport of australia the australian footy. we tried a few kicks and catches at the weird shaped ball and managed to kick it into the ocean a couple of times as well.. but it always managed to come back to us like a favourite dog.. wish girls were like that as well in life ;).
we unwillingly got back into the toyota with sandy promising more beautiful places ahead. so it was more PJ's,music and feeding again...
next stop was the devil's elbow. its along the road and a very picturesque scenes of the waves dying silently along the road side. we took some snaps and hopped in again for our journey ahead.
next stop was apollo bay, a small coastal town. since the snacks were doing no good we pulled over here for some burgers and cappuccino.
our next stop was the port campbell national park. 12 (well actually 5 now) apostles is its famous attraction. the best part was the helicopter ride. for 80 AUD for 10 mins you can hitch a ride with a pilot and get the spell bouding views of the apostles. the pilot even explains some of the features of the apostles but who will be willing to listen when there is such a beauty in front of your eyes. it was nature at its best and really amazing. i was so happy to be seeing this in my lifetime and kept saying to myself i am gonna get my parents here as well..
after the chopper ride we thought of viewing them with a closer proximity so walked along the pathways to get some better matrimony shots :)
London bridge (now london arch) is one of the attractions. they were formed and now being eroded by the waves. it become so weak because of the erosion that the bridge broke away leaving two tourists stranded who were to be rescued using helicopters.
After that we moved on to Loch Ard Gorge. oh... what a place that was.. not just because of what it is now.. but even because of the history. a ship by name loch ard crashed at this very spot and around 50 people aboard were killed. only two survivors were washed away into this gorge and found shelter over there. it is a great example of nature at work. it is like natures workshop or laboratory where every strike of wave is leaving its mark on the gorge. i was truly amazed by its beauty and spent some time over there.
Getting down the human made stairs takes you to the beach where the waves lash with all its fury. it appears like white racing horses running towards the shore with full speed. oh what a sight it was. we managed to reach there at the sunset time and i just sat the edge of the cliff watching the white waves lash. the sound was amazing and the scene like that of heaven.
we then tried to get some great shots of the waves lashing the cliff and us standing in the front on the cliff. some came good but most of them were a failure.. common we are amateurs.. it was dark then.. and as the sun set we started returning talking excitedly of the great day and some wonderful things we had seen that day. the return journey was silent.. most of us slept.. thankfully sandy ( who was driving the vehicle did not).
all in all one amazing trip i will cherish forever in my life for more than one reason.
below is the clip of a beautiful song shot at the apostles. its from the movie "dil hi dil mein".
if your appetite is still not quenched then go ahead and view this album..
Great Ocean Road